Lite Candle

Prayer Group -Twin Hearts Prayer Group

The Twin Hearts Prayer Group is a group of Catholic Christian believers, who live out the call to love and serve the Lord by actively loving and serving others.

Under the spiritual guidance and direction of Fr. Gijo and Deacon Miguel, the Twin Hearts Prayer Group aims to provide a place of healing, refreshing and nourishment for the parish and beyond, where people are spiritually nourished through our weekly prayer meetings and intercession, monthly Benediction, scheduled retreats and teachings, a reflective study of the Bible, and a meaningful fellowship of Christian love.

We pursue and support all initiatives that promote unity and co-operation in the parish, among other prayer groups and in the greater Church. 

Weekly Prayer Meetings and Intercession:   

Every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall

Monthly Benediction:                

The Second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at St. Martin of Tours Church