Our parish is excited to announce our March Break Camp for grades 1-4 Children - “Kids of Hope” Camp will take place from March 10th to March 14th, 2025 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm...
We wish you all a Happy & Healthy 2025!
Father Felix, Father Shyju, & Deacon Miguel
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. The word epiphany comes from the Greek epiphainen, a verb that means...
Lord God, from You every family in heaven and on earth takes its name. Father, you are love and life. Through Your Son, Jesus Christ, born of woman, and through the Holy Spirit, the fountain of divine charity...
As Christmas fast approaches and Advent is drawing to a close, let us remind ourselves of the importance of this liturgical season. Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas as well as His final...
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.” These are the words proclaimed in the entrance antiphon of Mass for Gaudete Sunday this week. It urges us to constantly rejoice in the...
The Advent wreath is a prominent symbol of the Advent season and is used in our churches and our homes as a way to prayerfully count the four weeks of the liturgical season. It consists of a wreath made...
‘Waiting’ is a word very familiar to all of us. We have the experience of waiting in our day-to-day events of life. I read in one of the health magazines, if we live to be...
The planning committee will be organizing a special celebration for Fr. Felix’s 25th Anniversary of his Ordination as a priest. Please join us on Saturday, November 16th after the 5pm Mass in the Carmel Hall for cake and...
This special book is for remembering ALL SOULS especially our loved ones we have lost. Sheets are inserted in the bulletin this weekend. Please write the names of those loved ones who you are remembering. and return to the...
St. Martin of Tours Prayer Group is hosting the relic of St. Peregrine on October 22nd. St. Peregrine is known as the patron saint of cancer patients, AIDS victims and others suffering from serious illnesses. If you are suffering from...
Thanksgiving is a very wonderful tradition. But it is a tradition that is rooted not in the abundance of what we have but in the knowledge that no matter what we have or have not, God is very near to...
Life Chain 2024 is the largest peaceful, prayerful, pro-life, public witness in the world. There are more than 1500 cities across the US and Canada who are participating this Sunday, October 6th...
You are invited to take part in the international ’40 Days for Life’ campaign. In our community, the peaceful and prayerful vigil will be held outside the Mississauga Women’s Clinic at 101 Queensway Blvd. from September...
Our Parish will be focused on reviving the St. Martin of Tours Youth Group with the assistance and guidance of our Youth Minister - Ann Mary Chennoth. It is an opportunity for bringing our teens to participate in Parish life and...
Next weekend, July 27 & 28, a collection will be taken for the missionary work done by Carmelite Fathers in many parts of the underdeveloped world. Your generosity will allow them to feed the hungry, attend the sick, conduct school...
Dear parishioners, thanks to your generous giving to our Family of Faith campaign, St. Martin of Tours has been able to undertake a number of projects to maintain and enhance our church. As outlined in our Family of Faith...
Wearing the Brown Scapular helps us to live a holy...
May God who began this good work in you
carry it through to completion,
enabling you to use your talents to the fullest.
May God give you the grace to make wise choices
and to be faithful to your commitments...
Today is a day to be grateful for the gift of life, and for the man who did his best to show us love and helped us to learn how to live. What a blessing! The warm smile on Dad...