Advent through Christmas - 2nd Sunday Advent

Baptism of the Lord

已发布 : Jan-06-2022

Baptism of Jesus was the beginning of his public ministry- and for the rest of us - our own baptism marks the beginning of our lives as Catholic Christians.

Jesus didn’t need baptism but wanted to be baptized because baptism would be the way in which we would begin to share in his life in communion with his Father through the Spirit. Everything we do in the church is done because of Jesus and we are baptized because Jesus was baptized and commanded the apostles to baptize all nations. His baptism is to heal us, to restore our rejected humanity and to recreate a complete solidarity with us.

Now we have the privilege! We are called the sons and daughters of God. If we lead meaningful Christian lives we too can hear the words from above, “you are my son and daughter, my beloved, in whom I am well pleased."

Schedule for Weekday and Weekend Masses effective Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Weekday Masses – No registration required

Monday to Friday at 8:30 am – Live streamed

Saturday – at 9:00 am, live streamed


Parish Office and Church open

Monday – Saturday, 9:00 am to 12 noon

Please send requests or questions to our email or leave a message on our voicemail at 905-279-5742 ext.0


Weekend Masses – Registration required through our website 


Saturday – 5:00 pm (live streamed and recorded for playback),

Sunday – 8:00 am (live streamed),

10:00 am (live streamed)  & 12:00  noon


During this pandemic, to keep our church a safe place for everyone, we follow all the safety protocols and guidelines.


  1. Remember to maintain the 6-ft distancing
  2. Wear your mask covering your mouth, nose and cheeks at all times when entering the building
  3. Sanitize your hands when you come inside the church.