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Our Patron Saint




St. Martin of Tours Statue

Novena to St. Martin of Tours


Father, by his life and death Martin of Tours offered you worship and praise. 

Renew in your hearts the power of your love, so that neither death nor life may separate us from you.

Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.  Amen.

Prayer to St. Martin of Tours

Blessed saint, You were born under pagan ways but since your childhood you were chosen to be a Prince of the Church and , as Bishop of Tours, many souls were redeemed and liberated from the satanic forces through your prayers, austerities and blessings.

We humbly ask for your intercession before Our Lord Jesus Christ because we want to be worthy of the grace and mercy of the Holy Spirit that lead us from darkness to light into the eternal kingdom, for ever and ever. Amen.

St. Martin of Tours, Pray for us.

Celebrant: Concluding Prayer

Blessed St. Martin of Tours, obtain for us not only forgiveness, but also a spirit of love towards neighbor enabling us to be compassionate. Obtain for us the grace to love all people as brothers and sisters with a pure and disinterested heart. May we, like you, one day enjoy the blessed vision of God forever and ever. Amen.