Advent through Christmas - 2nd Sunday Advent

Advent through Christmas

Posted : Dec-01-2021

A Stewardship Examination

As Christmas carols take over radio stations and shopping malls are filled to capacity, it is easy to lose track of the true purpose of Advent. Essentially, Advent is a time to prepare for the Lord’s coming on Christmas Day as well as his final coming at the end of time. It is also a moment to remind ourselves that our own individual judgement day is coming too, where we will stand before the throne of God and give an account of how we have used all the gifts and blessings we have received.

Cardinal Collins in his Pastoral Letter on Stewardship states that “A steward is a servant entrusted for a time with the goods of the Master…and must eventually give an account to the Master for the way in which [the gifts] have been cared for and made fruitful.” This Advent season reminds us to conduct a humble examination of how are we best using our God-given gifts for His glory and the good of the Church.

Are we staying faithful to our practice of prayer? Are we using our time to serve and journey with others? Are we taking an active role in the life of the parish community? Are we serving the less fortunate in our community, remembering Christ’s words to serve the poor? Are we living for the present world or for the world to come? Let us take this Advent to re-examine how we are being stewards of the gifts in our lives and recommit to fully living the Gospel.